Delivery Method

<Parcel Delivery>

  • Your order will be shipped through ‘Cheonil Hwamul’ Parcel Delivery, a partner of Kave Home.
    (If there is no ‘Cheonil Hwamul’ branch at the delivery location, it will be transferred to another courier for shipment.)
  • To prevent product damage, only ‘unassembled’ shipments are available.
  • For items in stock, it takes approximately 2-5 days for delivery after placing the order.
  • Free shipping for purchases over 500,000 won (excluding Jeju Island).
  • Some products may only be available for Home Assembly method, and in such cases, even if you choose parcel delivery, we will provide separate instructions via phone.

<Home Assembly>

  • A specialized person will visit and assemble/install the product at your desired location.
  • Once you place the order, you will get a call in 24 hours to arrange the delivery schedule.
  • Delivery times cannot be specified, and delivery is not available on Sundays and some public holidays.
  • For items in stock, it takes approximately 2-7 days for delivery in the Seoul metropolitan area and about 5-10 days for delivery in other regions.
  • Delivery dates may change due to weather conditions, natural disasters, and road situations. In such cases, we will inform you separately via phone.